Monday, June 22, 2009

Were Making Progress..

Today I went to my prenatal appointment and everything went well. My doctor performed the Strep B test and it was VERY uncomfortable. I'm waiting on the results and he also checked me for dialation and I was 1 cm. Yay! I also have been experiencing contractions these last couple of days. It's nice to know that I'm making some progress.

*Weight Gain-
I gained 6 pounds in one week which put me at 173 I can't believe how much weight I have gained. I am hoping that it wont be too hard to lose those extra pounds. Along with weight gained my feet has swollen and I can barely see my ankles.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

34 wk 5 days UPDATE

Yesterday I went to my appointment and every thing is looking good he didn't check me for dilatation or anything but I did get an ultra sound done because I was measuring big to be 34 wks. I am always excited about ultra-sounds Genesis was moving the whole time while we waited. I was hoping she wouldn't fall asleep but that was exactly what she did by the time we had the ultra sound done she was asleep. But the ultra sound was GREAT they took a look at her brain and her fibula and she is right on target. I also was told she weigh approximately 5 pounds I have heard this estimation could be off a bit since I'm so far along.

Did I mention I gained 10 pounds since my last visit? Well I did I weigh 167 I couldn't believe it! I plan on breast feeding so that will help shed a few pounds and I plan on exercising and eating healthy and less often since I have been pregnant I eat all the time.

Oh, I noticed my tummy has these little spasms and ticks I'm guessing they are hiccups and she has them all the time now a couple of months ago Genesis would have them once a week but now she has them almost everyday and sometimes twice a day. I read its not harmful and its not as annoying to her as it would be for an adult.

Lately I noticed that when I cough I urinate on myself I told my doctor this and he wanted to make sure that it was urine and not amniotic fluid. But I was certain that it was urine and I know this will probably get worse as time get closer to my due date. But so far we havent ran into any major problems thank GOD. He has definatley been watiching over my little princess.

Oh I also forgot to add that she is not breech and I'm hoping it stays that way. Lord knows I don't want to have a c-section I am so scared to have it done..besides it IS surgery. But of course I would do WHATEVER it took to get my little princess here safely.

My next appointment is Monday I have no idea what were going to do because all we have been doing is checking weight, blood pressure, heart beat ect. Maybe he will check me for dialtion. I don't know when Im even suppoe to be dialating. I havent saw a mucus plug or anything that looked like a mucus plug. Hopefully things will move along soon but not too soon.

signing off

Thursday, June 11, 2009

34 Weeks and Counting....Did I just say 34 wks?!...Yayyy!!

Today has been a restless day although I haven't been doing much I always feel tired and worn out. I haven't had 8hrs of sleep since my 4th or 5th month. I am constantly raiding the refrigerator for snacks all through out the day AND night. I usually go to bed around 1:00pm if not later then I'm up again around 3am and again around 5:30am nibbling on some sort of snack. My husband make it home around 6:15 and I am usually up waiting to feel him kiss my cheek and belly and we usually fall asleep around the same time but I am constantly running to the bathroom; which can be p-r-e-t-t-y annoying. After finally being able to rest...guess who is up and is in the refrigerator around 9:00 or 9:30.....ME of course!!
<-- This is a picture of the things that I crave for all the time..well except for the water thats more for the baby than for me. Just looking at that picture makes me hUnGrY.
Today I turned 34 weeks so this will be all over soon...or will it? I probably will be up constantly with Genesis; which I cannot wait for.... I can't wait to hear her first cry because for the last 2 yrs I have waited for that special moment where I first hold her, smell her, touch her. And for each passing moment,day, week I am eternally grateful.
I decided to add a picture of my belly at 34 weeks... just 6 more weeks to go!! Although I love my belly I hate the back pain that comes along with it.
I thought this was a cute idea..but there is nothing else like this homemade baby carrier.And guess what its recyclable and eco friendly :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Getting Ready for Genesis :)

Yesterday my husband and I went baby shopping and there is still more things that we have to get such as an humidifier, tub, dreft laundry detergent,bottle sterilizer ect. I must say I was EXTREMELY tired and worn out. Every couple of minutes I was trying to find some place to sit while my husband did the browsing. The whole time Genesis was using my bladder as her punching bag LOL... I continuously had to use the public restroom (which I hate).Well here are a couple of pictures we took yesterday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Sweetest Sound

I decided to upload this video of Genesis heart beat and in the video you will hear a lot of swishing which is her moving around :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Knitted by HIS hands

Yesterday my prenatal appointment went well although my nurse was worried about fetal movement. It was around 1:45 pm and I had not felt any movement that day but as soon as I told her I haven't been feeling any movement I felt a kick. My doctor wanted to monitor the baby for about 20-30 minutes. She kicked and swished around the entire time although I couldn't feel all of them it made me so happy to hear active she was. My doctor felt that she was doing well but noticed I had a few contractions so he decided to check and make sure I wasn't dilating. After the exam he was happy to let me know that I have not dilated any, but he wanted to perform another test.. fetal fibronectin test. I was told that if it is negative it means that I am unlikely to go into preterm labor but if it comes back positives it really doesn't tell us anything because I still may go full term and 70-80% of women go full term after testing positive for the fetal fibronectin. I was sure I would come back negative but I found out I was wrong after I received a phone call today from my doctor. I must say I am really not worried at all. I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow and I'm feeling really good. I have not experienced any pain other than pelvic pain; which I must say can be verrrry painful. I will keep praying that GOD continues to watch over Genesis and she will be a happy and healthy baby.

Lately I have been thinking about her constantly.. who will she look like, who's nose, who's eyes, who's toes she is going to have? I am hoping my husbands he has eye lashes like a elephant they are so long, thick and black they are just gorgeous to me. I also have been thinking about the D-Day. How will it be ? Will it go smoothly, Will I end up getting a epidural after planning to go natural? GOD!!! I just can't wait to hold her in my arms, kiss her and tell her how much her mommy and daddy love her and she is a blessing from GOD. Until that special day I can only imagine about the beautiful gift GOD has given me. I feel so blessed... so wonderfully blessed. This little being knitted in my womb by HIS hands! Just the thought of it amazes me.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Since My Last Post......

ince my last post the baby has been moving actually I started to feel movement that same day but still not as vigorous but she is definitely moving. I'm guessing since she is getting bigger she does not have as much room to wiggle and that's the reason why. I feel more of the movement towards my back than the front which is why I haven't posted any videos of her rumbling and tumbling. Over the last couple of weeks I noticed that she tends to stay on one side which you can see in the first picture I posted.

I plan on going to Belly Views later on this month to get an 4-D ultra-sound done and get it on DVD and they even give you colored and black and white pictures to keep. I was thinking I could have this done at the doctors office but I don't think that they will go into depth or perform the ultra-sound as long as Baby Views which I think is 10-20 minutes. It cost 230.00 which is close to what I pay at the doctors office. I am soooo excited I can't wait to have it done!

My next appointment is in a couple of weeks and I'm excited as always after this appointment I will be going every two weeks.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Little Worried '_'

Usually I have nothing but good things to say but not today I'm actually kind of worried. For the last couple of days Genesis haven't been as active. I usually will feel her kicks and swishes at least 3 or 4 times (if not more ) within a hour, but I only feel movement probably 3 to 4 times a day and that's if I give her nudge and she gives me a little kick. I check her heart beat with my fetal doppler and her heart rate is at 150+. My husband thinks every thing is fine and I'm worried about always. I'm praying that every thing is fine. I'm guessing she moves more when I'm asleep. Lord how I wish I had one of those ultra sound machines.... well come to think about it its probably good that I don't. She probably would get tired of me taking a peek every 5-10 minutes.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate?!

Yesterday I began reading an old American Baby magazine and I read some information about SIDS I immediately begin to research the cause and preventions, and of course the cause is unknown but there were a couple of things I could do to lower the risk. Some of the things were to

  • Making sure there aren't any pillows and quilts in her baby bed.
  • Make sure the mattress is firm
  • Dress her lightly making sure she doesn't get too hot.
  • Turn on a fan to help air circulate.
  • Do NOT let baby sleep in adult bed.
  • Lay baby on back while sleeping.
  • Give baby a pacifier while sleeping or napping w/o forcing the baby to take it.

For more detailed information click the link below.

But along with that I ran across some information linking SIDS to vaccination. HUH? Okay now I'm really freaked out- something that's is suppose to help can actually hurt her? Shes not even here yet and I'm already worried! I'm sure that there a many mothers that vaccinate their child without having any complications , but I'm just scared I'll be that one mother that lay her child down to sleep only to come back to find a lifeless child. Although I'm hesitant about vaccinating my child I also don't want to expose her to any diseases especially those that are air borne. So I think I will delay her vaccination till she is around 9-12 mths (which is when the risks of SIDS is very low) and I will spread out her vaccination instead of getting 6 at one time which is recommended at 2 mths (Hepatitus B, DTaP, Hib, Rotavirus, Pneumococcus, IPV) I will continue to do my research and pray that I am making the right decisions for my daughter the rest I will put in GODS hand.

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey discussing vaccinations and autism.

National Network for Immunization Information Website

The Vaccine Book By: Dr Sears

Vaccine Reaction Images

Stories of Mothers about vaccination and their child

More Information Linking SIDS to vaccination

Health Dangers (vaccinations and Autism)

Should I vaccinate my baby? CNN

Vaccines and Diseases

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

99 Days and Counting....

As many of you already know my prenatal appointment was today and it went well. Although I didn't get to do an ultra-sound today I'm still happy. I passed my glucola test it was 121 and it had to be below 140 so I think I did very well. As for as the iron goes ummm not so well I'm now taking some iron pills to get it back to where it should be. As far as the weight goes I'm getting up there like that little thing on the price is right that climbs to top of the mountain. At my last visit I was 142 and today I weighed in at 150, but thats fine I know my little dumpling is okay and thats all that matters right now.
I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow and as of today I have 99 more days to go..I'm finally in the two digit numbers!! Why does 99 days sound better than 3 mths? I think it just makes me feel like that special day is right around the corner.

I plan on putting a video up of the baby moving but right now she is kind of tricky and she is not big enough for the camera to catch... so I plan on uploading a video in about 4 weeks I know she will be big enough for the camera to capture each and every movement.

My next appointment is May 18th and I'll be almost 31 weeks!! So here we go again marking x's on the calender counting down till my next appointment.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cute Little Baby Items

These are very unique and cute and I love they come in all sorts of different styles and colors. Feel free to click on the link to find out more info.

These are adorable and a must have! Follow the link to find out more info.

These are just adorable hats that I found on a blog they are just perfect I can just see my little jelly bean sporting these adorable hats. Luckily you can get them too just click on the hooked on you button thats located on my blog.

Dear Diary

I have become addicted to buying things. I'm in love with GAP their clothes are just the cutest. I have recently found myself going on their site more than twice a day and probably a dozen times a week. Matter of fact I just made another purchases night before last and now I'm just waiting for their new arrivals so I can see if there is anything I like. Is this how it is going to be once she arrives? Every chance I get I'm browsing through the baby isles, on the Internet buying that outfit that I absolutely MUST have, buying all the latest baby gear and gadgets?

Genesis have been doing well definately a mover and a shaker. I find that she moves more in the evening and through the night rather than the day. I often just lay down and stare at my belly watching her move around and no matter how many times she does it I'm amazed and so excited each and every time. For the first time a couple of nights ago my husband actually felt her kick. Aaahh... being kicked never felt so good! :P LOL
I am so proud at how well she is doing but I know I owe all thanks to GOD. She is truly a blessing!! I go to the doctor next week and I wonder how much weight I've gained since my last appointment. Lately I have been eating a lot..more than I usually eat my appetite has definitely increased, and I think the reason for that is the baby begins to develop fat around this time of the pregnancy. So I guess I better get a good work out regimen because I will definitely have more than a few pounds to shed.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rumblin" n Tumblin

Hmmmm where shall I start? I turned 24 weeks yesterday!! My appointment is on the 15th and I can barely wait. I guess it's really not the appointment but the fact I will be almost 27 weeks. I have been so anxious lately can't wait to do this, can't wait to do that. I know I should just be relaxing, and seizing each moment instead of anticipating the next day,week,month ect. It's kind of hard when I read about all of the baby development in months to come.
As far as the progress of my pregnancy every thing has been going smoothly she is definitely growing and those bones have hardened enough for me to feel those kicks. Which I love it eases my mind to feel her wobbling around in there.I am reassured that everything is fine. Well I think that's all for now.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Side effects of Pregnancy/What To Expect While Expecting

This morning while doing my daily routine brush teeth, wash face ect.. I noticed some little fuzz on my face. Afterwards I realized thats not a little fuzz thats hair. There are couple of strings of hair on my face. I'm scared to pluck it I fear it may grow longer and thicker. Right now I just have a few strands and hopefully it stays that way. In my pregnancy book "What To Expect While Expecting" it explained this hairy situation

"The bounteous circulation and increased metabolism caused by pregnancy hormones are nourishing your skin cells."
Then it goes on to say....
"The extra nourishment however can however cause hair to grown in places you rather it didn't. Facial areas lips, chin, cheeks are most commonly plagued with this pregnancy induced hirsutism, but arms legs and backs can be affected too. Much of the excess hair disappears within six months postpartum, though some may linger a linger longer."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Impatiently Waiting

Since I'm just sitting here waiting on my husband to get home I guess I'll just update my blog. Well much haven't been going on...I did some more shopping for the baby I bought some more clothes from GAP I'm just in love with their selections. I didn't know it would be so expensive though! I must say I enjoyed spending!! Now I have a reason not to feel guilty or worried about what my husband will say once he see I spent over three hundred dollars on a couple of outfits. Its for the baby....although I wish I wasn't so addicted to expensive stuff. It's just so exciting I can't believe that I let my husband or myself start buying anything. I'm too much of a pessimistic freak! I always think of the worst in every situation. Don't think I haven't thought about something happening to the baby and only being left with pampers, wipes, outfits and strollers. I'm just trying to stay positive praying every day that GOD will bless me with a happy and healthy baby!! My husband is just over joyed I love seeing him smile, and picking out the ugliest things when we're at the store. July is taking so long to get here but I know its worth the wait. I don't mind letting her bake a little longer in the oven. When she gets here I can't wait to tell her how much she is loved.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shopping For Baby

These are a couple of items that I purchased at I still have so much more to get! They had a lot of cute clothes and shoes! And their shipping and handling prices are great as well. I plan on visiting the store in my local area even though I dread going to malls it's always so crowded no matter what time of the day I go.

I went from just browsing to adding things to the cart..then checked out and these are some of the things I bought.

I love both of these but I would have to go on the website and get them personalized! I would like to change the color of the monogram and add Genesis initials instead of the polo pony.

This is just so cute. I love the old fashion look it has!

This will go well with a pair of khakis (short or a skirt)

These are too adorable, but I'm not sure if she will get a chance to wear them since she is due July 23. Summer will be leaving very soon afterwards hopefully it will stay warm enough for her to wear them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Saw Genesis Move For The First Time! :)

Today for the first time I saw the Genesis kick!! I was so excited and bummed at the same time because my hubby wasn't here to witness it. I give my tummy a little nudge and she kicks or moves. I wasn't expecting this until at least week 28. Considering how much weight I gained I thought it may even take longer for me to actually see movement. Now I can't wait till my husband get home so I can show him!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Changes During Pregnancy**

Tippin" The Scale

Add Image Yesterday I went to the doctor and guess how much weight I gained. I gained three pounds in two weeks. Is that even normal? In all I gained 12 pounds during this pregnancy. I was at 130 now I'm a popping 142. I try so hard to stay away from those hamburgers, cinnamon rolls, apple pies, and pizzas, but that has been easier said than done. I also have fallen in love with cheese the sharp cheddar its so good! I buy block kind so I can slice it and have it with cold pineapples!

Stretch Marks**

I noticed a couple of stretch marks about a 4 weeks ago! Who doesnt hate those things, but I went out and purchased some tummy honey cream it was $27.00 for an 4 oz bottle. I have been using it for at least a month now and no new stretch marks have appeared and it seems those I have are fading!

Along with strecth marks I have skin discloration that I got back in 2007 with my last pregnancy I thought it would leave after I gave birth but they didn't. I now have gotten more with this pregnancy the discloration was just on my legs it now has went on my arms. My sister experience the same thing during her pregnancy, but I don't know anyone else who has gone through this. (sorry about the pants in the pic)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

21 Wks 6 Days

Today my appointment went well. I was worried that I was leaking amniotic fluid, but after performing a few test it was confirmed that it wasnt amniotic fluid. The baby is putting pressure on my bladder causing it to leak.

At my next appointment Im scheduled to take a glucola test which is a screening for gestational diabetes. I hope that I do very well. I was told not to eat any carbohydrates on that day. So I can't eat bread, cereal, fruit/fruit juice, rice, pasta, potatoes, chips, crackers, beans, english peas. I guess I'll just go on a empty stomach.

Oh, I also asked about a supplement called Expecta I wanted to begin to take to help the babys brain and eye development. He gave me the okay and I started taking them today. My next appointment is in four weeks. I am soooo excited I'll be almost 27 weeks. Yayy!!

Later on this month I'm going shopping for the baby!! I also want to start looking for a breast pump...I dont know where to start looking! Well.....thats it for now.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Growing Belly :D

<--35 weeks Not much of a difference since my last photo except this week there are more stretch marks showing up. My complexion has gotten darker and my nose has gotten HUGE. My back and side hurt and now I have to roll out of bed. So far I gained 37 pounds... yikes! I only have 5 more weeks to go yay!
<--33 wks and counting it looks like my stomach has dropped a little. The weight from the baby has definitely taken a toll on my pelvis it hurts to even move sometimes because of the severe pain..well I have only 7 more weeks to go.

<- 31 weeks and still no big changes except I have a few more stretch marks. I feel like my stomach has stretched as much as it possibly can but I I have 9 more weeks left so there is more stretching on the way.

<-29 weeks This week it seems my belly is getting a bit wider and rounder. Other than not being able to fit in my favorite jeans and having to pull out every single pair of jogging pants I have no BIG changes besides my breast LOL.

<--Week 27 My belly looks longer instead of bigger, but other than that no significant changes.

<--25 weeks.. I know I can't believe it myself!! I'm moving right along. This week I'm experiencing alot more kicks and she also respond when I give her a nudge. The baby seem to be laying side ways because my sides are poking out more and more each passing week, and thats mostly where I feel most of the kicks :)

<--23 weeks My belly is looking very plump and the my navel is popping out a little more. Please excuse the jammies I love those things they arent too pretty but they are very comfortable :)

<--21 weeks Finally the belly button trying to pop out. My sides are poking out and most of time they hurt. I guess from the stretching. And yes the tire marks showed up! DARN IT!! Hopefully this lotion helps.

<--19 weeks doesnt look any different from last week. What do you think?

<-- 17 weeks It seems like my tummy got fuller at the bottom rather than the top.

<--15 weeks and I see a little difference my belly is getting a tad rounder.

13 weeks- my belly finally began to show enough to take a picture.