ince my last post the baby has been moving actually I started to feel movement that same day but still not as vigorous but she is definitely moving. I'm guessing since she is getting bigger she does not have as much room to wiggle and that's the reason why. I feel more of the movement towards my back than the front which is why I haven't posted any videos of her rumbling and tumbling. Over the last couple of weeks I noticed that she tends to stay on one side which you can see in the first picture I posted.
I plan on going to Belly Views later on this month to get an 4-D ultra-sound done and get it on DVD and they even give you colored and black and white pictures to keep. I was thinking I could have this done at the doctors office but I don't think that they will go into depth or perform the ultra-sound as long as Baby Views which I think is 10-20 minutes. It cost 230.00 which is close to what I pay at the doctors office. I am soooo excited I can't wait to have it done!
My next appointment is in a couple of weeks and I'm excited as always after this appointment I will be going every two weeks.
Love the pics!!! I've never seen anyones 4-D ULTRA-SOUND PICTURES before!! Thay are so neat & clear!!!