Thursday, June 11, 2009

34 Weeks and Counting....Did I just say 34 wks?!...Yayyy!!

Today has been a restless day although I haven't been doing much I always feel tired and worn out. I haven't had 8hrs of sleep since my 4th or 5th month. I am constantly raiding the refrigerator for snacks all through out the day AND night. I usually go to bed around 1:00pm if not later then I'm up again around 3am and again around 5:30am nibbling on some sort of snack. My husband make it home around 6:15 and I am usually up waiting to feel him kiss my cheek and belly and we usually fall asleep around the same time but I am constantly running to the bathroom; which can be p-r-e-t-t-y annoying. After finally being able to rest...guess who is up and is in the refrigerator around 9:00 or 9:30.....ME of course!!
<-- This is a picture of the things that I crave for all the time..well except for the water thats more for the baby than for me. Just looking at that picture makes me hUnGrY.
Today I turned 34 weeks so this will be all over soon...or will it? I probably will be up constantly with Genesis; which I cannot wait for.... I can't wait to hear her first cry because for the last 2 yrs I have waited for that special moment where I first hold her, smell her, touch her. And for each passing moment,day, week I am eternally grateful.
I decided to add a picture of my belly at 34 weeks... just 6 more weeks to go!! Although I love my belly I hate the back pain that comes along with it.
I thought this was a cute idea..but there is nothing else like this homemade baby carrier.And guess what its recyclable and eco friendly :)

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