Friday, April 24, 2009

A Little Worried '_'

Usually I have nothing but good things to say but not today I'm actually kind of worried. For the last couple of days Genesis haven't been as active. I usually will feel her kicks and swishes at least 3 or 4 times (if not more ) within a hour, but I only feel movement probably 3 to 4 times a day and that's if I give her nudge and she gives me a little kick. I check her heart beat with my fetal doppler and her heart rate is at 150+. My husband thinks every thing is fine and I'm worried about always. I'm praying that every thing is fine. I'm guessing she moves more when I'm asleep. Lord how I wish I had one of those ultra sound machines.... well come to think about it its probably good that I don't. She probably would get tired of me taking a peek every 5-10 minutes.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate?!

Yesterday I began reading an old American Baby magazine and I read some information about SIDS I immediately begin to research the cause and preventions, and of course the cause is unknown but there were a couple of things I could do to lower the risk. Some of the things were to

  • Making sure there aren't any pillows and quilts in her baby bed.
  • Make sure the mattress is firm
  • Dress her lightly making sure she doesn't get too hot.
  • Turn on a fan to help air circulate.
  • Do NOT let baby sleep in adult bed.
  • Lay baby on back while sleeping.
  • Give baby a pacifier while sleeping or napping w/o forcing the baby to take it.

For more detailed information click the link below.

But along with that I ran across some information linking SIDS to vaccination. HUH? Okay now I'm really freaked out- something that's is suppose to help can actually hurt her? Shes not even here yet and I'm already worried! I'm sure that there a many mothers that vaccinate their child without having any complications , but I'm just scared I'll be that one mother that lay her child down to sleep only to come back to find a lifeless child. Although I'm hesitant about vaccinating my child I also don't want to expose her to any diseases especially those that are air borne. So I think I will delay her vaccination till she is around 9-12 mths (which is when the risks of SIDS is very low) and I will spread out her vaccination instead of getting 6 at one time which is recommended at 2 mths (Hepatitus B, DTaP, Hib, Rotavirus, Pneumococcus, IPV) I will continue to do my research and pray that I am making the right decisions for my daughter the rest I will put in GODS hand.

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey discussing vaccinations and autism.

National Network for Immunization Information Website

The Vaccine Book By: Dr Sears

Vaccine Reaction Images

Stories of Mothers about vaccination and their child

More Information Linking SIDS to vaccination

Health Dangers (vaccinations and Autism)

Should I vaccinate my baby? CNN

Vaccines and Diseases

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

99 Days and Counting....

As many of you already know my prenatal appointment was today and it went well. Although I didn't get to do an ultra-sound today I'm still happy. I passed my glucola test it was 121 and it had to be below 140 so I think I did very well. As for as the iron goes ummm not so well I'm now taking some iron pills to get it back to where it should be. As far as the weight goes I'm getting up there like that little thing on the price is right that climbs to top of the mountain. At my last visit I was 142 and today I weighed in at 150, but thats fine I know my little dumpling is okay and thats all that matters right now.
I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow and as of today I have 99 more days to go..I'm finally in the two digit numbers!! Why does 99 days sound better than 3 mths? I think it just makes me feel like that special day is right around the corner.

I plan on putting a video up of the baby moving but right now she is kind of tricky and she is not big enough for the camera to catch... so I plan on uploading a video in about 4 weeks I know she will be big enough for the camera to capture each and every movement.

My next appointment is May 18th and I'll be almost 31 weeks!! So here we go again marking x's on the calender counting down till my next appointment.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cute Little Baby Items

These are very unique and cute and I love they come in all sorts of different styles and colors. Feel free to click on the link to find out more info.

These are adorable and a must have! Follow the link to find out more info.

These are just adorable hats that I found on a blog they are just perfect I can just see my little jelly bean sporting these adorable hats. Luckily you can get them too just click on the hooked on you button thats located on my blog.

Dear Diary

I have become addicted to buying things. I'm in love with GAP their clothes are just the cutest. I have recently found myself going on their site more than twice a day and probably a dozen times a week. Matter of fact I just made another purchases night before last and now I'm just waiting for their new arrivals so I can see if there is anything I like. Is this how it is going to be once she arrives? Every chance I get I'm browsing through the baby isles, on the Internet buying that outfit that I absolutely MUST have, buying all the latest baby gear and gadgets?

Genesis have been doing well definately a mover and a shaker. I find that she moves more in the evening and through the night rather than the day. I often just lay down and stare at my belly watching her move around and no matter how many times she does it I'm amazed and so excited each and every time. For the first time a couple of nights ago my husband actually felt her kick. Aaahh... being kicked never felt so good! :P LOL
I am so proud at how well she is doing but I know I owe all thanks to GOD. She is truly a blessing!! I go to the doctor next week and I wonder how much weight I've gained since my last appointment. Lately I have been eating a lot..more than I usually eat my appetite has definitely increased, and I think the reason for that is the baby begins to develop fat around this time of the pregnancy. So I guess I better get a good work out regimen because I will definitely have more than a few pounds to shed.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rumblin" n Tumblin

Hmmmm where shall I start? I turned 24 weeks yesterday!! My appointment is on the 15th and I can barely wait. I guess it's really not the appointment but the fact I will be almost 27 weeks. I have been so anxious lately can't wait to do this, can't wait to do that. I know I should just be relaxing, and seizing each moment instead of anticipating the next day,week,month ect. It's kind of hard when I read about all of the baby development in months to come.
As far as the progress of my pregnancy every thing has been going smoothly she is definitely growing and those bones have hardened enough for me to feel those kicks. Which I love it eases my mind to feel her wobbling around in there.I am reassured that everything is fine. Well I think that's all for now.