Saturday, April 18, 2009

To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate?!

Yesterday I began reading an old American Baby magazine and I read some information about SIDS I immediately begin to research the cause and preventions, and of course the cause is unknown but there were a couple of things I could do to lower the risk. Some of the things were to

  • Making sure there aren't any pillows and quilts in her baby bed.
  • Make sure the mattress is firm
  • Dress her lightly making sure she doesn't get too hot.
  • Turn on a fan to help air circulate.
  • Do NOT let baby sleep in adult bed.
  • Lay baby on back while sleeping.
  • Give baby a pacifier while sleeping or napping w/o forcing the baby to take it.

For more detailed information click the link below.

But along with that I ran across some information linking SIDS to vaccination. HUH? Okay now I'm really freaked out- something that's is suppose to help can actually hurt her? Shes not even here yet and I'm already worried! I'm sure that there a many mothers that vaccinate their child without having any complications , but I'm just scared I'll be that one mother that lay her child down to sleep only to come back to find a lifeless child. Although I'm hesitant about vaccinating my child I also don't want to expose her to any diseases especially those that are air borne. So I think I will delay her vaccination till she is around 9-12 mths (which is when the risks of SIDS is very low) and I will spread out her vaccination instead of getting 6 at one time which is recommended at 2 mths (Hepatitus B, DTaP, Hib, Rotavirus, Pneumococcus, IPV) I will continue to do my research and pray that I am making the right decisions for my daughter the rest I will put in GODS hand.

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey discussing vaccinations and autism.

National Network for Immunization Information Website

The Vaccine Book By: Dr Sears

Vaccine Reaction Images

Stories of Mothers about vaccination and their child

More Information Linking SIDS to vaccination

Health Dangers (vaccinations and Autism)

Should I vaccinate my baby? CNN

Vaccines and Diseases

1 comment:

  1. The Choosing Not To Vaccinate group on CM has some really great links under the "Resources" sticky. There is a TON of info!
    Personally, I do not vax my DD, who is 1 year old now. She is very healthy :) My reasons for not vaxing include: There are toxic ingredients in ALL vaccines; some of the diseases in the vaccines are cultured on aborted human fetal tissue; vaccines are not 100% effective AND they lose effectiveness quickly; & risk of long-term injury or death from the vaccine.
    My best advice for you is to research heavily, then make the decision based on your intelligence & your gut feeling as a mom. What's best for your child may not be what's best for everyone else's.
    Hugs, Laura (emslala on CM)
