Saturday, March 28, 2009

Side effects of Pregnancy/What To Expect While Expecting

This morning while doing my daily routine brush teeth, wash face ect.. I noticed some little fuzz on my face. Afterwards I realized thats not a little fuzz thats hair. There are couple of strings of hair on my face. I'm scared to pluck it I fear it may grow longer and thicker. Right now I just have a few strands and hopefully it stays that way. In my pregnancy book "What To Expect While Expecting" it explained this hairy situation

"The bounteous circulation and increased metabolism caused by pregnancy hormones are nourishing your skin cells."
Then it goes on to say....
"The extra nourishment however can however cause hair to grown in places you rather it didn't. Facial areas lips, chin, cheeks are most commonly plagued with this pregnancy induced hirsutism, but arms legs and backs can be affected too. Much of the excess hair disappears within six months postpartum, though some may linger a linger longer."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Impatiently Waiting

Since I'm just sitting here waiting on my husband to get home I guess I'll just update my blog. Well much haven't been going on...I did some more shopping for the baby I bought some more clothes from GAP I'm just in love with their selections. I didn't know it would be so expensive though! I must say I enjoyed spending!! Now I have a reason not to feel guilty or worried about what my husband will say once he see I spent over three hundred dollars on a couple of outfits. Its for the baby....although I wish I wasn't so addicted to expensive stuff. It's just so exciting I can't believe that I let my husband or myself start buying anything. I'm too much of a pessimistic freak! I always think of the worst in every situation. Don't think I haven't thought about something happening to the baby and only being left with pampers, wipes, outfits and strollers. I'm just trying to stay positive praying every day that GOD will bless me with a happy and healthy baby!! My husband is just over joyed I love seeing him smile, and picking out the ugliest things when we're at the store. July is taking so long to get here but I know its worth the wait. I don't mind letting her bake a little longer in the oven. When she gets here I can't wait to tell her how much she is loved.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shopping For Baby

These are a couple of items that I purchased at I still have so much more to get! They had a lot of cute clothes and shoes! And their shipping and handling prices are great as well. I plan on visiting the store in my local area even though I dread going to malls it's always so crowded no matter what time of the day I go.

I went from just browsing to adding things to the cart..then checked out and these are some of the things I bought.

I love both of these but I would have to go on the website and get them personalized! I would like to change the color of the monogram and add Genesis initials instead of the polo pony.

This is just so cute. I love the old fashion look it has!

This will go well with a pair of khakis (short or a skirt)

These are too adorable, but I'm not sure if she will get a chance to wear them since she is due July 23. Summer will be leaving very soon afterwards hopefully it will stay warm enough for her to wear them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Saw Genesis Move For The First Time! :)

Today for the first time I saw the Genesis kick!! I was so excited and bummed at the same time because my hubby wasn't here to witness it. I give my tummy a little nudge and she kicks or moves. I wasn't expecting this until at least week 28. Considering how much weight I gained I thought it may even take longer for me to actually see movement. Now I can't wait till my husband get home so I can show him!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Changes During Pregnancy**

Tippin" The Scale

Add Image Yesterday I went to the doctor and guess how much weight I gained. I gained three pounds in two weeks. Is that even normal? In all I gained 12 pounds during this pregnancy. I was at 130 now I'm a popping 142. I try so hard to stay away from those hamburgers, cinnamon rolls, apple pies, and pizzas, but that has been easier said than done. I also have fallen in love with cheese the sharp cheddar its so good! I buy block kind so I can slice it and have it with cold pineapples!

Stretch Marks**

I noticed a couple of stretch marks about a 4 weeks ago! Who doesnt hate those things, but I went out and purchased some tummy honey cream it was $27.00 for an 4 oz bottle. I have been using it for at least a month now and no new stretch marks have appeared and it seems those I have are fading!

Along with strecth marks I have skin discloration that I got back in 2007 with my last pregnancy I thought it would leave after I gave birth but they didn't. I now have gotten more with this pregnancy the discloration was just on my legs it now has went on my arms. My sister experience the same thing during her pregnancy, but I don't know anyone else who has gone through this. (sorry about the pants in the pic)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

21 Wks 6 Days

Today my appointment went well. I was worried that I was leaking amniotic fluid, but after performing a few test it was confirmed that it wasnt amniotic fluid. The baby is putting pressure on my bladder causing it to leak.

At my next appointment Im scheduled to take a glucola test which is a screening for gestational diabetes. I hope that I do very well. I was told not to eat any carbohydrates on that day. So I can't eat bread, cereal, fruit/fruit juice, rice, pasta, potatoes, chips, crackers, beans, english peas. I guess I'll just go on a empty stomach.

Oh, I also asked about a supplement called Expecta I wanted to begin to take to help the babys brain and eye development. He gave me the okay and I started taking them today. My next appointment is in four weeks. I am soooo excited I'll be almost 27 weeks. Yayy!!

Later on this month I'm going shopping for the baby!! I also want to start looking for a breast pump...I dont know where to start looking! Well.....thats it for now.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Growing Belly :D

<--35 weeks Not much of a difference since my last photo except this week there are more stretch marks showing up. My complexion has gotten darker and my nose has gotten HUGE. My back and side hurt and now I have to roll out of bed. So far I gained 37 pounds... yikes! I only have 5 more weeks to go yay!
<--33 wks and counting it looks like my stomach has dropped a little. The weight from the baby has definitely taken a toll on my pelvis it hurts to even move sometimes because of the severe pain..well I have only 7 more weeks to go.

<- 31 weeks and still no big changes except I have a few more stretch marks. I feel like my stomach has stretched as much as it possibly can but I I have 9 more weeks left so there is more stretching on the way.

<-29 weeks This week it seems my belly is getting a bit wider and rounder. Other than not being able to fit in my favorite jeans and having to pull out every single pair of jogging pants I have no BIG changes besides my breast LOL.

<--Week 27 My belly looks longer instead of bigger, but other than that no significant changes.

<--25 weeks.. I know I can't believe it myself!! I'm moving right along. This week I'm experiencing alot more kicks and she also respond when I give her a nudge. The baby seem to be laying side ways because my sides are poking out more and more each passing week, and thats mostly where I feel most of the kicks :)

<--23 weeks My belly is looking very plump and the my navel is popping out a little more. Please excuse the jammies I love those things they arent too pretty but they are very comfortable :)

<--21 weeks Finally the belly button trying to pop out. My sides are poking out and most of time they hurt. I guess from the stretching. And yes the tire marks showed up! DARN IT!! Hopefully this lotion helps.

<--19 weeks doesnt look any different from last week. What do you think?

<-- 17 weeks It seems like my tummy got fuller at the bottom rather than the top.

<--15 weeks and I see a little difference my belly is getting a tad rounder.

13 weeks- my belly finally began to show enough to take a picture.

Dear, Genesis

I can't wait to see you, meet you, adore you, hold you, kiss you, teach you. Every week that passes I get more excited because I'm that much closer to meeting you. Each and every day think about you. I think about who's eyes, toes, nose you're going to have. From the moment I knew of your existence, the moment I saw your beating heart, the first time I felt you kick I loved you and I always will......

Psalms 127:3 Lo" children are an heritage and the fruit of the womb is HIS reward.

When I Look In The Mirror

When I look in the mirror I'm in awe. Amazed at how there is a little human being in there. This is one of the most precious experience a woman can have. I often sit and think about how GOD gave us every thing we needed to support this growing baby, and He never ceases to amaze me.
I use to complain about the pain in my pelvic area but after I learned how my pelvic bones soften to prepare itself for the birthing process I no longer could complain. Because I knew that my body was doing what it was suppose to do. I look in the mirror and see my big round belly and think WOW I'm getting big.

I don't complain I'm happy that my baby is growing and thriving. To some what may look big and unattractive to me it is beautiful.GOD is truly amazing never will I doubt HIM. He has shown me in more than enough ways that HE is real and with me all the time.

I Can Remember When...

Still to this day I can't believe I'm pregnant. I can remember a couple of years back I use to watch Runway Moms, Bringing Home Baby, Maternity Ward.

I use to watch it everyday religiously wishing I was them and it was me and my now husband bringing home our bundle of joy. This was around the time my husband didn't know I wanted a baby so I use to sneak and watch so he wouldnt get any ideas.

This Is Where It All Began.....

November 12th what a very special and happy day that was! I had been trying to get pregnant for months. I tried the clear-blue easy monitor, ovulation kits, basal body thermometer. I bought over 50 ovulation kits from this website but each and everyone revealed that I wasn't ovulating. Aunt Flow left and fail to show up 3 months in a row. I had no clue why or what was going on. I was hoping that I would get pregnant naturally but failed to believe that I would. On a social site I had a ticker on my page and it would tell me when I should be ovulating. Knowing that my cycle was irregular and I haven't had a cycle in over 90 days.. I have no idea why I payed any attention to it but I did. One morning I woke up logged on to the site and saw the ticker said test today. So I got out my last pregnancy test and gave it a good squirt (LOL) and placed on the edge of the tube while I did my daily routine..brush my teeth, wash my face ect. I gave a quick glance at the test and begin to sigh then I gave a second look and realized there were two lines on the test!! WHAT?? I couldn't believe it! I started jumping around so happily, smiling from ear to ear. After thanking GOD and doing a little dance I called my husband at work and gave him the good news and told him to bring home a test. I said I was going to wait to take it the next morning but I couldn't wait that long so I took it later on that night and once again POSITIVE! And this is where my journey began.