Friday, March 13, 2009

My Growing Belly :D

<--35 weeks Not much of a difference since my last photo except this week there are more stretch marks showing up. My complexion has gotten darker and my nose has gotten HUGE. My back and side hurt and now I have to roll out of bed. So far I gained 37 pounds... yikes! I only have 5 more weeks to go yay!
<--33 wks and counting it looks like my stomach has dropped a little. The weight from the baby has definitely taken a toll on my pelvis it hurts to even move sometimes because of the severe pain..well I have only 7 more weeks to go.

<- 31 weeks and still no big changes except I have a few more stretch marks. I feel like my stomach has stretched as much as it possibly can but I I have 9 more weeks left so there is more stretching on the way.

<-29 weeks This week it seems my belly is getting a bit wider and rounder. Other than not being able to fit in my favorite jeans and having to pull out every single pair of jogging pants I have no BIG changes besides my breast LOL.

<--Week 27 My belly looks longer instead of bigger, but other than that no significant changes.

<--25 weeks.. I know I can't believe it myself!! I'm moving right along. This week I'm experiencing alot more kicks and she also respond when I give her a nudge. The baby seem to be laying side ways because my sides are poking out more and more each passing week, and thats mostly where I feel most of the kicks :)

<--23 weeks My belly is looking very plump and the my navel is popping out a little more. Please excuse the jammies I love those things they arent too pretty but they are very comfortable :)

<--21 weeks Finally the belly button trying to pop out. My sides are poking out and most of time they hurt. I guess from the stretching. And yes the tire marks showed up! DARN IT!! Hopefully this lotion helps.

<--19 weeks doesnt look any different from last week. What do you think?

<-- 17 weeks It seems like my tummy got fuller at the bottom rather than the top.

<--15 weeks and I see a little difference my belly is getting a tad rounder.

13 weeks- my belly finally began to show enough to take a picture.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great idea... Your belly is so beautiful! and WoW you have a name for your lil mama! i love the name! I am so happy for you and your Hubby beautiful!
